以下兩封信,是我的大學同學在我們的社群上面po的文章,跟我的回信,是針對這次的八八水災的一些迴響,讓我們一起為台灣加油吧!( turmo 因為是美國僑生,所以用英文打字可能比較流利,挖哩!已經在高雄開業十幾年了,應該用台語寫更流利吧.....)


My Two Friends


       My conscience behooves me to tell this story.

      I have known two friends because of playing golf. One is A-Huer who is about 50 year old. He is a generous and nice person. A few years ago, he bought about half acre of a property to develop a few fish farms. I had been at his land with my relatives for fishing twice. He was not only provided us the fishingkit and bait, and he also treated us the delicious meal. I am a novice at fishing. He would always make sure that we got some fish to bring home. He stayed at 佳冬 to watch for his property last weekend. Then a mediocre typhoon hit Taiwan with the direction toward the northern area. As a result, it was the worst typhoon attack in 50 years at southern Taiwan. He lost all the fish and many belonging with the flooding at 2 floor hight. He lost about thirty million dollars. Well, he is still alived.

     Another friend is a family physician. He chose 六龜 to practice the medicine. Of course, his clinic was heavily flooded. He walked hours to go back there yesterday. I am sure if he ever opened the clinic again, some of his patients would not be around. Most of them were deceased or vanished by this so called a weak typhoon. It’s sarcastic that a weak typhoon could cause such a devastating damage.

My friends will lose a lot of wealth along with friendship. There will be many sorrowful stories. Unfortunately, life still goes on. The government will go back to his bureaucratic arrogance without empathy. Everything will seem to be peaceful until the next disaster occur again. Are we ever aroused by this painful lesson? Are we really taking good care of this land or are we just doing what we want to do without caring about the consequence? One thing I am so sure if we don’t take good care of this mother land, the nature will fight back again and again. So please love this land and respect the nature.



Dear Turmo : ( 是李武彥吧?!)














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