Paul Harris, MD – United Kingdom
ISAPS National Secretary for the UK
It was an enormous shock for us to wake in the morning, 24th of June 2016,
to discover that the nation had voted to leave the EU. This decision will have
wide reaching consequences on almost all aspects of our lives, some of
which will be predictable and some not so. Whilst, many of us are
apprehensive about the future in economic and social terms, within the
arena of aesthetic surgery, I believe that most are relieved.
We have long been dogged by the unscrupulous behaviour of the commercial cosmetic surgery
‘clinics’ in the UK. These businesses on the whole import surgeons from mainland Europe to
undercut UK-trained surgeons. Such 'fly in - fly out’ surgeons are not usually the most reputable
in their resident country and hence the need for them to travel to find employment. When in
the UK, they are often forced to work to time constraints and standards set to achieve
maximum profit rather than high quality patient care. Such practices lead to horror stories that
tarnish the entire sector.
Being free to set our own standards of regulation and training will mean that in the future, such
businesses will be forced to employ surgeons that are trained to a UK-defined standard, and
who must abide by codes of practice stipulated by their UK-based indemnity schemes and
professional associations. These surgeons will force the clinics to up their game with respect to
standards of care, which will not only benefit patients but also all the professionals that work
within the sector.
The risk, of course, is that the UK becomes too inward looking and isolated. The challenge is
therefore to look towards our international aesthetic surgery colleagues to forge greater links
and collaboration. The benefits of the global community in aesthetic surgery cannot be
underestimated and it is critical that we continue to grow our professional connections with
other European states and beyond. Clearly, ISAPS should be at the centre of this global
community and I hope to see a greater engagement from the UK in the years to come.
上述文章,是來自ISAPS (國際美容整形外科學會)的國際事務秘書長。